I traveled home about a week ago for my Granny's funeral, and while it was naturally a sad event as we mourned the loss of a loved one, I am so thankful that the day was definitely more focused on celebrating the life of an incredible woman.
Marion Dolittle was born in Grayslake, IL. She was a farmer's daughter who rode her pony to school, where there are numerous stories about her spunky nature...including punching a boy "behnid the privy" because he was picking on the girls. She went to Beliot College and then headed to a small farming town in Western Illinois during the Depression where she taught English, History, and Biology even though she was only liscenced in Biology. I don't think I truely comprehend how amazing that is...that 80 years ago when very few women were going to college, especially not those from farming communities, and then that same woman moved away from home during one of the darkest times in our nation and actually recounts her memories with fondness.
Kelly and I snowmobiling with Granny in Dec 2004...she was 96!
From there she went back to Grayslake, married my grandfather, raised two sons, and impacted a community in a way few people do. She was an active member of the Civic Club, PTA, Booster Club, Elections Board, Historical Society, and many more organizations throughout the years. She loved to entertain, cook, dance, go to costume parties (in creative outfits made by things she found around the house), and play bridge. She was the grandmaster in Grayslake's Centennial Parade a few years ago and I really don't think the community had anyone else as qualified to do the honors - she invested her life in that city and was so proud of it.
Fishing up in Northern Wisconsin a few years ago
I find myself incredibly fortunate to have had so many great years with a grandmother who was so healthy and full of life for all but the last few months of her life. I loved going up to her house to play in the cornfields, play dress-up in her "famous" closet of old dresses and jewlery, ride around on the tractor, cook (my favorites were smooshing the tomatoes for soup and making applesause), and play cards. She taught me to work hard, to not take myself too seriously, to be humble, to always be honest, and to never miss a chance to to invest in others.
Playing cards in August 2007
The funeral was packed with people whose lives she had impacted just as strongly as she had impacted mine and it was great to be able to share stories about the different ways we knew her. Though she will be deeply missed, one can't help but smile and shake their head a little when they remember the life of love, laughter, and mischief of Mrs. Marion Parker.