Sunday, July 6, 2008

Baby Names

With many of my friends pregnant (congrats Amie, Nikki, Laura, Kristen) and many more who have little ones running around, baby names are a hot topic of conversation. There was recently an article in the Copenhagen Post (a newspaper that comes out once a week and summarizes the week's top stories in English) regarding Danish baby names.

Apparently there is an offical registar of approved baby names. According to the law parents must either choose one of the approved names or send a special application if they want a name that is not on the list. Also, if 25 people in Denmark have a particular name, then it is added to the register., I guess there will be no little girls named Æble (Apple) in Denmark :)


Guy Davis said...
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Guy Davis said...

You might find this map of the popular baby names in Denmark interesting then. The map also has statistics from many other countries.

emily rietz said...

OMG - that's hilar...thanks for enlightening me!