Monday, February 17, 2014

My chubby Valentine :-)

It doesn't get much better than having this little guy as your valentine :-)  I headed to Ann Arbor this weekend to visit Melissa and Elias and had a fantastic time!

We had a great dinner watching the Olympics (main purpose of the trip!)
 The cafeteria at the UBS building was making personalized cookies and I couldn't resist having one made for Melissa...thankfully she shared!
After Melissa and I went to an amazing spinning class at Ryde Cycling, we came back to have breakfast with Elias.  He's already taking shots of water in his Michigan shot glass.
 We then headed to Zingerman's - a classic spot - in Ann Arbor for lunch.  It was incredible!

 We were a little too late for the Farmer's Market.
 And then Melissa took me to two amazing card shops...and I went a little crazy (like my Eastern Market days in DC)....I swear I won't have to buy cards for 5 years!
Saturday night was another fantastic meal eaten while watching the Olympics.  Melissa seriously missed her calling in life to be an Olympics announcer...she knew all the facts and stories.
After a great church service at 242, we went for a little pampering :-)
 A wonderful way to spend Valentine's Day weekend...I miss my Valentine already!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Hilarious. Laughing so hard about the card buying frenzy.