Sunday, August 29, 2010

Island Paradise

Back in January, when I had a free weekend in Panama, I headed to Isla Taboga. It was amazing, so I figured I couldn't go wrong with exploring another Panamanian Island. This time it was off to Isla Contadora.
Daron had left earlier in the day and he warned me about the small small plane...thankfully! This was my boarding pass - seriously - I guess I should applaud the "green effort" of reusable passes!

After a rocky start (the window few open so we had to abort takeoff and try again), we made the 25min flight to was worth it!Daron had booked at the Contadora Island Inn,which I highly recommend, and our friendly inn keeper picked me up in his 4 wheeler. He took me on a brief tour of the island...a very extensive tour, but when the island is only 1.4 miles long, it doesn't take too long. He saw a guy out on the street with a "fresh fish" sign he asked if I minded if we stopped - of course not! I had just finished "Vegan February" so I was all for some super fresh island fish!!
The Inn was lovely and the inn keepers and owners were there, along with a couple from England who was renting next door. Our hosts invited us to dinner and it was incredible. The meal was great, but the real treat was the company - these people had led such interesting lives. The owners were an American man and his wife who was Scotish but had been raised in Swasiland (fabulous accent!) - their stories were incredible!!! Daron and I have both traveled our fair share of this world, but we were put to shame that evening.
Exploring the island at sunset....
...and by day....
...and for some great snorkeling on a private beach that the inn keepers had told us about...
Dinners overlooking the ocean...can't beat it!Typically trips like these are hard to return from...not this one, it was fantastic, but we were off to meet the Greeks for dinner at the Panama Canal!!!

1 comment:

Melissa M. said...

I hated that plane!! Seriously like a stuffy coffin flying through the air. I was never so glad to land.